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Tooltips are used to provide additional information about elements or functionalities on a page.

  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Guidelines


Tooltips show details about an interface element (text, button or image) and are visible in the Hover state of that element (applicable on desktop).

Tooltips contain short, very specific information describing the functionality of the UI element to which they belong. They can be positioned at the top, bottom, left or right of the element in question.

Tooltip anatomy

A: With Icon Variation

B: Only Tooltip Variation

1: Icon

2: Tooltip Description

Tooltip applied in a text-field

Used for:


When some labels need additional context, a Tooltip can be used to give a more precise explanation ;


As some buttons labels can exceed the max width defined by the design system, a tooltip is used to show the entire label;

Only icon

For components that only use icons, a Tooltip can be required to explain the context of the assigned action ;

Abbreviated labels

In cases where certain labels are abbreviated, the use of Tooltips is primordial, as they will give the extra context for the user;

Error information

To warn users and prevent them from making an error on a form again, and especially in a text-field, a Tooltip is displayed when hovering over the warning icon to explain the error made;

Don’t use for:

Important messages

For important messages or messages that are of imperative reading, consider using Inline messages;

Mobile devices

On touch based devices, such as smartphones or tablets with no hover capability, Tooltips may not be accessible or practical for the users;

User interruption

Unexpectedly or intrusively, they can interrupt users’ workflow and impede task completion, leading to frustration;


When Tooltips are excessively used or used for every element in the interface, they can overwhelm users with information and diminish their effectiveness.

Tooltips overused in forms


Access the Figma file and inspect the element using Dev Mode.

Tooltip at Figma

Last Update

Previous version of the Tooltip
Current version of the Tooltip
  • Updated typography;
  • Updated state color variables;


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With Icon

.enabled {
  icon-color: var(--grey-7);
.hover {
  icon-color: var(--grey-8);
  background-color: var(--grey-8);
  label-color: var(--grey-1);

Tooltip Only

.enabled {
  background-color: var(--grey-8);
  label-color: var(--grey-1);


.small {
  gap: var(--spacing-8);
  icon: 12px;
  tooltip-padding: var(--spacing-4, --spacing-8);
  tooltip-radius: var(--x-small-radius);
  label: var(--Others-caption);
.regular {
  gap: var(--spacing-8);
  icon: 16px;
  tooltip-padding: var(--spacing-4, --spacing-8);
  tooltip-radius: var(--x-small-radius);
  label: var(--label-regular);
.large {
  gap: var(--spacing-12);
  icon: 20px;
  tooltip-padding: var(--spacing-8, --spacing-12);
  tooltip-radius: var(--x-small-radius);
  label: var(--label-large);

Useful links

guidelines figma accent icon

Consult our Figma file to access our assets and inspect them in dev mode.


This component is or will be provided by the Polygon framework. See its documentation to learn more.

This element is in line with the guidelines of the CDS (Cegid Design System). Find out more.


Icon assigned

The icon assigned should always be the same, so the user can more easily identify the icon and its use, without needing to understand it beforehand, which is why the icon used is a question mark.

Hover of the Tooltip

Text Overflow

When the label is too long for the available space, the text will wrap up to another line. This overflow is done to facilitate readability for the user, while respecting the different rules for unjustified text.

Dos & Dont’s

The description should be brief and to the point;

Tooltips should not contain redundant information;

The text should always be a Wildcard to allow the different teams to adapt the text;

Case Studies

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Benefits of a Design System

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