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Split button

A split button is a button with a main action and related secondary actions contained in a drop-down.

  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Guidelines


A split button is a composition of the button component with a drop-down . It contains a set of grouped actions that help to reduce the amount of space taken up if each action was on an isolated button. It also makes it easier for the user to find the action they want as it has less visual noise and is grouped logically.

It can contain a visible main action and, by clicking on the drop-down section, it shows related secondary actions.

Split Button Anatomy

A: Primary variation

B: Secondary variation

1: Left icon

2: Label

3: Drop-down section

Split Button inside action bar

Used for:

Parallel actions

To let users select from multiple parallel actions. Actions are parallel when each one represents a path forward for the user and none cancels the action;

Reduce visual complexity

To reduce visual complexity when there are multiple actions a user can perform;

Workflow streamlining

In workflows where users frequently perform a primary action followed by secondary actions, split buttons streamline the process by presenting all relevant options in one location;

Consistent action grouping

Split buttons can help maintain consistency in action grouping throughout an interface. When related actions are logically grouped together, for example with having “save & new” as an action related to “save”;

Quick access

When certain actions are frequently used and need to be easily accessible, the primary button of a split button can serve as a shortcut to the most common action.

Don’t use for:

Frequently used actions

If the functionality provided by split buttons overlaps with other interface elements or controls, such as drop-down menus or traditional buttons, consider using button groups.

Complexity overload

In interfaces where users are already confronted with a high level of complexity or cognitive load, adding split buttons may further overwhelm users;

Lack of clarity

If the distinction between the primary action and secondary actions within the split button is unclear or ambiguous, users may struggle to understand;

Inconsistent use

In interfaces where split buttons are inconsistently used or appear sporadically without a clear rationale, users may find it challenging to predict when and where split buttons will appear.

Ambiguous secondary actions inside split button


Access the Figma file and inspect element using Dev Mode.

Split button at figma

Last Update

Old version of the split button
Current version of the split button
  • Updated dropdown menu;
  • Updated state color variables;
  • Updated label typography;


Overflow Menu

An overflow menu is a UI component that houses secondary options or actions …

Action Bar

An Action Bar is a UI element at the top of interfaces, which offers quick access to essential actions relevant …



.enabled {
  background-color: var(--Theme-100); 
  color: var(--grey-1);
.expanded {
  left {
    background-color: var(--Theme-100); 
    color: var(--grey-1);
  right {
    background-color: var(--Theme-Highlight);
    color: var(--grey-1);
    background-color: var(--grey-1); 
    color: var(--grey-7);


.enabled {
  border-color: var(--grey-5); 
  color: var(--grey-7);
.expanded {
    background-color: var(--grey-4);
    border-color: var(--grey-5);  
    color: var(--grey-8);
    background-color: var(--grey-1); 
    color: var(--grey-7);


.small {
  padding: var(--spacing-8) var(--spacing-4) var(--spacing-8) var(--spacing-4);
  gap: var(--spacing-4);
  border-radius: var(--x-small-radius);
  icon: icon: 20px;
  label: var(--Button-small);
.regular {
  padding: var(--spacing-12) var(--spacing-8) var(--spacing-12) var(--spacing-8);
  gap: var(--spacing-4);
  border-radius: var(--x-small-radius);
  icon: icon: 20px;
  label: var(--Button-regular);
.large {
  padding: var(--spacing-16) var(--spacing-8) var(--spacing-16) var(--spacing-8);
  gap: var(--spacing-8);
  border-radius: var(--x-small-radius);
  icon: icon: 24px;
  label: var(--Button-large);

Useful links

guidelines figma accent icon

Consult our Figma file to access our assets and inspect them in dev mode.


This component is or will be provided by the Polygon framework. See its documentation to learn more.

This element is in line with the guidelines of the CDS (Cegid Design System). Find out more.


Main Action

It only happens in the primary variation. The split button is divided into two clickable areas, one that activates the main action and one that activates the drop-down.

Main action of the split button


Action labels should be short and concise. If there isn’t enough space to display the entire name of the action, the label suffers from trimming without the possibility of a line break.

The ellipsis can also be applied to actions that require more configuration or specification.

Trimming inside drop-down

Dos & Dont’s

Similar actions

Apply a split button to group similar actions;

Button hierarchy

The position of the split buttons follows the hierarchical order specified on the buttons;

Secondary variation

If there is no main action, use the secondary variation;

Case Studies

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