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Select Box

The Select Box component allows users to make selections from a predetermined list of options.

  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Guidelines


A Select Box component, in UX, provides users with a predefined list of options from which they can make a single selection or multiple selection.

It typically appears as a drop-down menu, conserving screen space while offering users a clear and intuitive interface for making selections. Select Boxes are commonly used for presenting choices, such as country selection, category filtering…

Select Boxes can enhance usability by reducing cognitive load and ensuring consistent input, ultimately improving the overall user experience.

Select Box anatomy

A: Single Selection Variation

B: Multi Selection Variation

1: Label

2: Icon

3: Closable Chip

4: List Item

5: Hint Chip

Single Selection variation

Used for:

Limited choice selection

When users need to make a selection from a predefined list of options, a Select Box provides a clear and efficient interface for choosing among the available alternatives;

Standardized input

By presenting options in a uniform and consistent format, Select Boxes promote standardized input, reducing the likelihood of user input errors and ensuring data integrity;

Ease of use

Select Boxes offer a familiar and intuitive interface for users, particularly those who are used to drop-down menus, making them easy to understand and interact with across different applications and platforms;


Select Boxes are well-suited for mobile devices, as they can be easily adapted to touch-based interactions and small screen sizes.

Don’t use for:

Large number of options

When presenting a large number of options, such as hundreds or thousands, a select box may become unwieldy and difficult for users to navigate effectively;


If the use of Select Boxes deviates significantly from established design patterns or user expectations within the context of the application or platform, it may result in inconsistency;

Simple input expected

If the expected value is a simple text, which doesn’t require to choose from a list, consider using a simple text-field.

Multi Selection variation


Access the Figma file and inspect the element using Dev Mode.

Selectbox at Figma

Last Update

Old version of Selectbox
Current version of Selectbox
  • Updated color of items in different states;
  • Updated items list;



A checkbox is an essential UI element that allows users to make binary choices …


Chips are small visual elements commonly used in user interfaces to represent discrete pieces …


A Label serves as a crucial element for enhancing the clarity and usability of a digital interface …


Select Box
Select Box

Single Selection

.enabled {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-5);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  placeholder: var(--grey-6);
  icon: var(--grey-7);
.hover {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-6);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  placeholder: var(--grey-6);
  icon: var(--grey-7);
.focus {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--theme-100);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  input: var(--grey-8);
  icon: var(--grey-7);
  list-item: var(--grey-7);
  scrollbar: var(--grey-6);
  divider: var(--grey-5);
  chips: var(--chips_hint);
.readOnly {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-3);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  input: var(--grey-8);
  icon_open_in_new: var(--theme-100);
  icon: var(--grey-6);
.readOnly {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-5);
  input-background: var(--grey-3);
  input: var(--grey-6);
  icon_open_in_new: var(--theme-100);
  icon: var(--grey-6);
.readOnly {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--error-100);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  input: var(--grey-6);
  icon: var(--grey-6);

Multiple Selection

.enabled {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-5);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  placeholder: var(--grey-6);
  icon: var(--grey-7);
.hover {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-6);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  placeholder: var(--grey-6);
  icon: var(--grey-7);
.focus {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--theme-100);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  input: var(--grey-8);
  icon: var(--grey-7);
  list-item-checkbox: var(--checkbox-enabled);
  list-item: var(--grey-7);
  scrollbar: var(--grey-6);
  divider: var(--grey-5);
  chips: var(--chips_hint);
.readOnly {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-3);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  chip-background: var(--grey-4);
  chip-label: var(--grey-8);
  icon_open_in_new: var(--theme-100);
  icon: var(--grey-6);
.readOnly {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--grey-5);
  input-background: var(--grey-3);
  chip-background: var(--grey-4);
  chip-label: var(--grey-8);
  icon_open_in_new: var(--theme-100);
  icon: var(--grey-6);
.readOnly {
  label: var(--grey-7);
  input-stroke: var(--error-100);
  input-background: var(--grey-1);
  input: var(--grey-6);
  icon: var(--grey-6);


.small {
  label: var(--label-small);
  input-height: 28px;
  input-border: var(--x-small-radius);
  input-gap: 4px;
  input-padding: var(0, --spacing-8);
  icon: 16px;
  placeholder: var(--label-small);
.regular {
  label: var(--label-regular);
  input-height: 36px;
  input-border: var(--x-small-radius);
  input-gap: 8px;
  input-padding: var(0, --spacing-8);
  icon: 20px;
  placeholder: var(--label-regular);
.large {
  label: var(--label-large);
  input-height: 40px;
  input-border: var(--x-small-radius);
  input-gap: 8px;
  input-padding: var(0, --spacing-8);
  icon: 24px;
  placeholder: var(--label-large);

Useful links

guidelines figma accent icon

Consult our Figma file to access our assets and inspect them in dev mode.


This component is or will be provided by the Polygon framework. See its documentation to learn more.

This element is in line with the guidelines of the CDS (Cegid Design System). Find out more.


Single Selection

This is the default Select Box. It only allows one selection from your list. When you click or enter, the drop-down is collapsed.

Single Selection variation

Multiple Selection

When you need to select more than one option, you can use the multi selection Select Box.

A checkbox is added to make the selection which will then be converted into tags. There is also an option to select everything in the list.

Multiple Selection variation

Additional Information

The Select Box is designed to display up to three levels of information.

By default, only one item of information is displayed. The configuration of which information appears and in what position is made according to each context, taking into account the established hierarchy.

Additional Information
Additional Information in a Select Box

Dos & Dont’s

Use a Select Box for a minimum of three options;

Use different list variations in the same drop-down;

Case Studies

Building a new Seamless User Experience

Using a design system is like having a set of building blocks for creating digital products. It ensures everything looks …

Discover the exciting features

Compose Design brings a host of thrilling and transformative new features designed to enhance your experience. Dive into our latest …

Benefits of a Design System

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