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Breadcrumbs are a form of secondary navigation that display a series of links, showing users their current location within a website or application and allowing them to easily navigate back to previous or higher-level pages in the hierarchy.

  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Guidelines


Breadcrumbs are a type of secondary navigation that provide a visual trail of links to help users understand their current location within a website or application. They show the path taken to arrive at the current page and allow users to easily navigate back to previous or higher-level pages in the navigation hierarchy. This feature enhances usability by clarifying the structure of the site and reducing the number of steps needed to return to previously visited pages.

Breadcrumbs anatomy
  • 1: Parent page: Directs users to the parent-level page;
  • 2: Separator: Clearly distinguishes between each page;
  • 3: Drop-down: Contains different child pages;
  • 4: First link in the hierarchy: First child page in the hierarchy.

Multi-Step processes

Used for:

Deep navigation hierarchies:

Breadcrumbs help users understand the structure and easily navigate back to higher-level categories.

Multi-Step processes:

Breadcrumbs allow users to see the steps they have completed and the ones remaining, providing a clear process overview.

Don’t use for:

Shallow navigation hierarchies that are one or two levels deep:

In this case, Breadcrumbs offer no additional value since the structure is straightforward and easy to navigate.

Simple websites or areas:

In this case, Breadcrumbs add unnecessary complexity without providing significant navigational benefits.

Single-Level Breadcrumb


Access the Figma file and inspect the element using Dev Mode.

Breadcrumb component at Figma



A Label serves as a crucial element for enhancing the clarity and usability of a digital interface …


Breadcrumb component variations in light and dark mode


Breadcrumb spacing


Breadcrumb enable state
.enabled {
color: var(--Theme-100);
Breadcrumb hover state
color: var(--Theme-100);
text-decoration-line: underline;
Breadcrumb pressed state
color: var(--Theme-Theme-Highlight);
text-decoration-line: underline;
Breadcrumb visited state
color: var(--Theme-Theme-80);
Breadcrumb read-only state
color: var(--Greys-Grey-7);
Breadcrumb disabled state
color: var(--Greys-Grey-6);

Useful links

guidelines figma accent icon

Consult our Figma file to access our assets and inspect them in dev mode.


This component is or will be provided by the Polygon framework. See its documentation to learn more.

This element is in line with the guidelines of the CDS (Cegid Design System). Find out more.


Use Breadcrumbs to indicate users’ positions in a navigation hierarchy and enable them to revisit previous pages as needed. Breadcrumbs are most effective for deep, multi-level navigation structures rather than shallow ones.


Breadcrumbs are placed in the top left portion of the page. They sit underneath the header and navigation, but above the page title.

Path Behavior

When users click on a parent link, they are directed to that higher-level page. The breadcrumb trail updates to show the new higher-level pages, excluding the current page as a label, and removes any subcategories beyond this point.

Breadcrumb with four parent pages

Only include the parent paths;

Breadcrumb with three parent pages and current step

Include the current step on the Breadcrumb.


When space is limited, opt for the trimmed version to condense Breadcrumbs. Show the first and last two page links, and represent the ones in between as a ” / … / “.

Breadcrumb trimmed version

Overflow content

The parent path can have the option of an overflow menu for easier navigation between child pages.

Breadcrumb with a parent step with an overflow menu

Case Studies

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