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Products should use coherent, simple and relevant messages to communicate in an efficient and user-friendly way and provide the best possible user experience.

  • General Rules
  • Examples

Product messages are a functional dialog between the software and the user and are intended to lead the user to solve a problem or use a feature.

A product message must be easy to understand, clear, short and incisive.

Therefore, in order for the communication to obtain the seal of quality from the eXA team, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

| Is it necessary?

| Is it short and simple?

| Is it direct and relevant?

| Is it instructive and clear?

| Isn’t it intrusive?

Message types

The first step when creating product messages is to look for similar messages in order to maintain coherence with the rest of the product’s content, since it is likely that one with a similar structure already exists.

If it is indeed necessary to create a new message, we go up a “text level” according to the purpose of the message:

LevelPurpose of the messageScenarioExample
0Notify – it may not even require text, with visual indicators being preferable.Field not filled in. Process in progress.[form border in red]
[loading, skeleton screen, etc.]
1Inform – give the user the absolutely necessary information.Impossible to access the system.Incorrect password.
2Describe– briefly explain the program’s behavior, asking for user intervention. You may need a dedicated window.An action was requested without a contract being selected.At least one line must be selected.
3Detail– provide advanced help in complex scenarios. It is displayed in a dedicated window and can redirect to help content.For detailed information on the error, the user is redirected to that view.An error occurred while trying to initialize the subscription. For more information, see the system messages.

Supported languages

Spelling and syntax vary according to the linguistic variant of each language. In order to maintain consistency, it is important to always consider that the supported variants are he following:

  • PT-PT: European Portuguese after the orthographic agreement;
  • ES-ES: European Spanish;
  • EN_US: US English.

Here are some examples to help you understand what a simple, user-focused product message looks like.

Simple writing

Messages should use simple terminology and simple verbs that focus first on the action, then on the steps the user has to take.

The use of technical jargon or unnecessarily long words should be avoided. These increase the length and complexity of the message.

Para gerar a fatura, clique na opção Processar.

To export the document as a pdf, click te Export button.

Puedes reconfigurar tus credenciales en cualquier momento, usando este botón.

Clique na opção Processar para gerar a fatura.

Click the Export button to generate the export the document as pdf.

Este botón permite reconfigurar tus credenciales en cualquier momento.

Focus on the user

The information contained in the messages should guide the human use of the product rather than explain the logic behind programming:

O campo X é obrigatório.

É obrigatório preencher o campo X.

You can only have one default model. Are you sure you want to select this company settings group?

You must select an entity.

El tipo de documento no es suportado para la generación de CIUS PT.

O campo Xnão pode estar vazio

O campo “X” deve estar preenchido.

This company settings group was elected as the default model, you can only have one. Do you want to continue?

Entity must be selected!

La generación de CIUS PT no suporta varios tipos de documentos. Selecciona otro.

Human tone

It’s important to bear in mind that messages are a form of communication with the user, with the purpose of guiding them through the use of the product. For this reason, we should always maintain a human tone, using the active voice and positive constructions, directly addressing the user in a short, straightforward and natural way.

Selecione o tipo de lançamento @1@.

A data final deve ser posterior à data inicial.

This will start a batch operation in the background. Do you wish to continue?

An error has occurred

Es obligatorio definir el argumento ‘ReasonTypeKey’.

Deverá ser selecionado o tipo de lançamento @1@.

A data final do documento não deve preceder a data inicial do documento.

A bulk operation will be triggered. Do you wish to continue?


El argumento ‘ReasonTypeKey’ es obligatorio. Deverá definir uno.
