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General Rules

Sometimes, the available space on products makes it necessary to use abbreviated forms of words (initialisms, acronyms, symbols or abbreviations).

How to abbreviate

Step 1: Look for alternatives

Abbreviating words should be avoided as much as possible. In this sense, if the space available is not sufficient for the existing text, the first step should be to try to reformulate the label, simplifying it and reducing the number of characters



Cambiar Precios de los Artículos

Modificar Precios de los Artículos de Ventas

Step 2: Remove articles

If it is not possible to use another term, instead of abbreviating one of the words, we should remove the articles in the label. These words are often merely accessory and it is likely that the label will be more readable without the article and abbreviations

Data Lançamento

Data do Lanç.

Plantillas Factura Recurrente

Plantillas de Factura Recurrente

Step 3: Search for the best abbreviation

If, at last, you realize that eliminating the articles is not enough to reach the available number of characters, you should look to see if there is already an approved abbreviation for that word in the Design System’s list of abbreviations in Portuguese or English.

If the label has two or more words, the word that is considered the most easily recognizable should be abbreviated.

Ref. Pagamento

Referência Pag.

Planificaciones de Fact.

Plan. de Factura

Dos & Dont’s

If it is necessary to add a new abbreviation, follow the advice below to create an abbreviated form and communicate it to the eXA team so that it can be added to the list.

Before creating an abbreviation, you should check whether there is already an approved abbreviation in the list of abbreviations. In case of doubt regarding the rules or possible exceptions, please contact the eXA team.

Doc. Origem

Doc. Orig.

Financial Disc.

Fin. Disc.

doc. = documento

doc = documento

assoc. = associação

associ. = associação

cred. = credit

credi. = credit

ant.= anterior

config.= configure

sel./selec. = selecionar
desc. = desconto/descrição

decl./declar. = declaration
diff./differ. = difference
