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Style Guide

If it’s to be documented, it has to be done with style.

  • Structure
  • Technical Language
  • Orthography
  • Formatting

The content structure influences the user experience, especially on websites and Help Centers with a large number of articles.
We should strategically design text graphic areas which make interpretation and reading easier.


O prazo de entrega do modelo P2 e 1074 termina a 12 de Maio.
Estes modelos são destinados aos pequenos retalhistas que se enquadram neste regime.

O prazo de entrega do modelo P2 e 1074 termina a 12 de Maio.

El FACe Punto General de entrada de facturas electrónicas es el sistema de envío de facturas electrónicas para la Administración General del Estado (AGE) en España.

ERP suporta el FACe Punto General.

This option allows to view the current accounts, purchases and sales documents (documents history).

This option allows to view the documents history.

Text Area


Adopting a careful and simple language demonstrates objectivity and clarity in your speech.


The main subject is always the first topic in the content. We should always think about the most important message to convey and make it the starting point of the writing. Don’t forget that we read in F.

Do not repeat information in the same article or area. It may be necessary to reinforce important points, but you should make a word search with the information, writing the same thing in different words.

If only a few words can be used, let’s not use twice as many.

The registration of the asset involves a series of operations, namely capitalization and depreciation

The asset involves a series of operations, namely the capitalization of the asset and the depreciation of the asset.

El registro del activo implica una serie de operaciones, en concreto la capitalización y la amortización

El activo implica una serie de operaciones, a saber, la capitalización del activo y la amortización del activo.


Don’t write for other people what you don’t want to be written for you. Always put yourself in the user’s shoes.
Be direct and straightforward. Leave no room for doubt.
Write short and concise whenever possible. Users suffer from a phobia of large texts..

Configurations are necessary for the application to work.
Therefore, we have prepared a checklist with all the necessary steps.


The application only works with certain configurations.
See the configuration checklist.

Los ajustes son necesarios para que la aplicación funcione.
Por eso, hemos preparado una lista de comprobación con todos los pasos necesarios.

La aplicación sólo funciona con determinadas configuraciones.
Consulte la lista de comprobación de la configuración



Make your text accessible to all types of user. Provide context and fit concepts into the product to encourage user interaction with the product.

Encourage the user to learn more. Identify related articles to offer new steps and features.

Communicating financial and transportation documents is mandatory.
To find out all the options available, see the help article.

Communicating financial and transportation documents is mandatory.
The product meets all reporting requirements.

Es obligatorio comunicar los documentos financieros y de transporte.
Para conocer todas las opciones disponibles, consulte el artículo de ayuda.

Es obligatorio comunicar los documentos financieros y de transporte.
El producto cumple todos los requisitos de información.


It’s very important that the words flow and help the user understand. Therefore, use adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions and divide complicated concepts into different sentences.

Use adjectives sufficiently.

Do not use metaphors or other similar stylistic devices.

Creating series is an important operation for distinguishing between different documents.

Creating series is a valuable operation for distinguishing between different documents.

La creación de series es una operación importante para distinguir entre distintos documentos.

La creación de series es una operación valiosa para distinguir entre distintos documentos.

Use the active voice whenever possible, as it reduces the formality of the writing and helps with text interpretation.

After transferring stock to another warehouse, make a stock adjustment.

After the stock has been transferred to another warehouse, make a stock adjustment.

Después de transferir existencias a otro almacén, realice un ajuste de existencias.

Después de que las existencias se hayan trasladado a otro almacén, realice un ajuste de existencias.

Without errors, with connections and always with a period.

Products Names

The correct way to spell the products’ and applications’ names raises some doubts and sometimes they appear spelled differently.

Some of the most frequent cases are:

  • Cegid Primavera ERP Evolution
  • Cegid XRP Enterprise
  • Cegid Jasmin
  • Cegid Primavera Rose People
  • Cegid Contasimple

In the case of Software as a Service products, the reference to this regime must be written at the end of the product name using its SaaS acronym in brackets..

  • Cegid Primavera ERP Evolution Cloud (SaaS)

Note: These names may still be revised.

If in doubt, it is important to always check with the Branding team.


In general, write short sentences and structured paragraphs. This allows for faster and more user-friendly reading.

En este sentido

De esta manera


Para concluir

Por último

Nada más

In this sense



In conclusion


As soon as


Use graphic elements correctly to ensure uniform writing.

Quotation marks

Use only in quotations. Avoid using in menu options.


Use bold surgically to reinforce the key words of an article.


Use italics for words that don’t exist in the Portuguese dictionary.


When using initialims, we don’t repeat the same information throughout the article.

However, when we mention it for the first time in the text, we should write the form in full, followed by the initialisms in brackets. Except for initialisms that belong to the public domain.

For more information on how to abbreviate messages, see the abbreviation rules.



Put in digits starting from 0..

Write out decimal fractions in full.


Use as necessary. In some cases, brackets in an article indicate to the reader that the information is accessory and they do not read it.

  • “When processing, the respective discount is entered with the same value as the remuneration to cancel out the value of this remuneration since there is no value to be received (treatment of remuneration in kind).”

Hyphen between numbers

Includes before and after space.


Technical terms that don’t have an official translation in Portuguese or Spanish should be written in English.

We should also write words that, despite having a translation in Portuguese, are more commonly used in English.


The date can be written in the following formats, depending on whether the text is more technical and short or more descriptive and long.

If we are referring to a period in the current year, we should not use the year because it is subjacent.


Monetary symbols
