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Status Indicator

Status Indicators provide visual cues to convey the status of an element or system, helping users to understand actions or conditions.

  • Overview
  • Specs
  • Guidelines


Status Indicators use colors and symbols to create user-recognizable meanings throughout the product.

These are the existent variations applied:

  • Dot: represented by a simple dot;
  • Icon: represented with the status background and an icon;
  • Extended: represented exactly like the Icon variation, but with an additional text.

These variations can be found in the following colors: Info, Positive, Warning, Negative and Neutral.

Status Indicator anatomy

A : Dot

B: Icon

C: Extended

1: Icon

2: Label

Status Indicator in a warning

Used for:


Represented by the color blue and the information icon. This variation should be used to reflect the following statuses: informative, active, in use and published.


Represented by the color green and the checkmark icon. They should be used in the following statuses: positive, approved, success and new.


Represented by the color orange and the warning icon. They should be used in the following statuses: alert, in approval, pending, scheduled, synchronizing, processing and uploading.


Represented by the color red and the error icon. They should be used in the following statuses: negative, error, rejected, failure and deleted.


Represented by the color grey. They should be used in the following statuses: neutral, archived, deleted, paused, draft, not started, complete and finalized.

Don’t use for:

Minimal status variation

If there are minimal or negligible changes in the status of elements, using Status Indicators may clutter the interface without providing significant value.

Ambiguous status

When the status of the elements cannot be clearly defined or is subject to interpretation, using Status Indicators may lead to confusion rather than providing clarity.

Unnecessary redundancy

If the status of elements is already conveyed through other means, such as text labels or contextual cues, adding Status Indicators may create redundancy.

Dynamic content

In interfaces with dynamic or rapidly changing content, using Status Indicators may be ineffective as they may not accurately reflect the current status of the elements in real time.

Overwhelming complexity

In interfaces with a high number of elements or complex interactions, using status indicators for every element may overwhelm users and hinder comprehension.

Dot variation in table


Access the Figma file and inspect theelement using Dev Mode.

Status Indicator in Figma

Last Update

Previous version of the Status Indicator
Current version of the Status Indicator
  • Updated icons and colors;
  • Updated typography;



A Label serves as a crucial element for enhancing the clarity and usability of a digital interface …

Data Grid

Data Grids are used to efficiently organize information and make it easier for users to consult it …



Dot variation
.statusIndicator {
    width: 8px;
    height: 8px;

Icon Only

Icon Only variation
.statusIndicator {
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;
    padding: var(--spacing-4);
    icon: 16px;


Extended variation
.statusIndicator {
    height: 24px;
    padding: var(--spacing-4, --spacing-8);
    gap: var(--spacing-8);
    icon: 16px;
    label: var(--label-small);


Informative status
.info {
    dot: var(--info-100);
    background-color: var(--info-20);
    icon: var(--info-100), 'info_circle';
    label: var(--info-100);

Consult label component for more specs.

Positive status
.positive {
    dot: var(--success-100);
    background-color: var(--success-20);
    icon: var(--success-100), 'check_circle';
    label: var(--success-100);

Warning status
.warning {
    dot: var(--warning-100);
    background-color: var(--warning-20);
    icon: var(--warning-100), 'error_circle';
    label: var(--warning-100);

Negative status
.error {
    dot: var(--error-100);
    background-color: var(--error-20);
    icon: var(--error-100), 'error_circle';
    label: var(--error-100);

Neutral status
.neutral {
    dot: var(--grey-7);
    background-color: var(--grey-4);
    icon: var(--grey-7), 'block';
    label: var(--grey-7);

Useful links

guidelines figma accent icon

Consult our Figma file to access our assets and inspect them in dev mode.


This component is or will be provided by the Polygon framework. See its documentation to learn more.

This element is in line with the guidelines of the CDS (Cegid Design System). Find out more.



When the text is too long, a new line should be created. And if there is no space for a new line, the text should be truncated and displayed on hover.

Trimming hover in a Status Indicator

Dos & Dont’s

Only use a Status Indicator/icon in small spaces, e.g. in tables

If needed, add a second line of text.

Case Studies

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