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Enhancing Lists within Flyouts with image previews


Image previews provide users with a visual representation of the items or content within the flyout menu, making it easier for them to identify and select the desired option at a glance.

This type of flyout presents a list of icons or components that can be selected. It should be used when you want to focus the user’s attention on the task at hand.

Trigger flyout at Cegid Docs

There are some advantages to using this type of flyout, such as:

Quick Access

Flyout with all available icons

Users can quickly scroll through image previews to find the item they are looking for, reducing the time and effort needed to locate specific content.

Image previews give users more context about items or content, allowing them to make more informed decisions.


By organizing icons/components into categories, the flyout can help users navigate content more easily, reducing cognitive load and improving usability.

Filter by categories


You can close the flyout at any time by clicking on the close button in the top right-hand corner.


By default, accordions appear closed. This way, users can open only the category they want.

To select an image, simply click on it and you don’t need to submit it to apply it. When an item is selected, a new accordion appears showing the selected icon.

Flyout with icon selected


The thumbnail is optimized for vector images, with a size of 32px.


Chips allow you to filter by category. You can select more than one at the same time.

The “See All” chip always appears in the first position and, when selected, opens all the accordions, allowing you to see all the images. When selected, this option clears all the other ones selected.

When the user selects a specific chip, they can always go back to all of them by clicking on that chip.



Flyout is used to show additional information about the page content, make additional settings, see notifications …


Chips are small visual elements commonly used in user interfaces to represent discrete pieces …


Under Maintenance …
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Learn how to elevate user experience by integrating image previews into flyouts, enriching interaction within lists.


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