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Compose Design is the baton of the experience of using Cegid ILA’s products.

It is inspired by the organized structure of notes, rhythm, and harmony in a musical composition, as it similarly composes patterns, styles, and guidelines in order to create consistent, effective and pleasant experiences.

An array of resources

Cohesion and Singularity

Compose establishes a cohesive visual melody through reusable combinations of compounds and templates. In the same way chords complement a melody, Compose creates a visual harmony that makes user experience unique.

Each pattern has its own rhythm. Each product has its own technology. Composes’ purpose is to guide each flow in a connected way so that, regardless of the interface, product or country, the user never gets lost in the visual cadence between applications.

Flexibility and Scalability

Improvisation happens. So, all components and patterns can be adapted to attend different projects’ specific needs.

Collaboration and Evolution

Compose helps to speed up the daily work of the teams. And it is bound to grow with them. It makes you grow!

View our experiences…

Building a new Seamless User Experience

Using a design system is like having a set of building blocks for creating digital products. It ensures everything looks …

Discover the exciting features

Compose Design brings a host of thrilling and transformative new features designed to enhance your experience. Dive into our latest …

Benefits of a Design System

A design system is a collection of reusable components and guidelines that ensure consistency and efficiency in building digital products …